Northamptonshire Rose Crochet Pattern
Learn how to crochet a Northamptonshire Rose with this crochet pattern that is worked in layers to create a 3d flower – a great skill to learn how to to add depth to your crochet projects

Layered crochet creates a new dimension!
When working with BBC Radio Northampton to create an easy bunting pattern for people to make crochet bunting to help decorate Northamptonshire Day 2020, I wanted to make something which really represented the county.
The Northamptonshire Rose has decorated the county since 1665 and it was even added to the county flag in 2014!
I couldn’t think of anything else I would rather create than the county rose! Plus, layering is a great skill for those learning how to crochet!
New Pattern for New Skills
If you’ve ever looked at these 3D crochet flowers and wondered how do you do that?!
This pattern will take you through each step, which stitch and loop to work in to add layering, not width to your project.
The detailed photo tutorial and easy to read pattern, really make this the perfect way to add to your crochet skills, enabling you to make your own Northamptonshire Rose.

Treat yourself to this crochet pattern and you’ll learn how to create this beautiful layered crochet rose